» Dr Anwar Ali Shah

Dr Anwar Ali Shah

Dr.Anwar Ali Shah

Dr. Anwar Ali Shah

Dr. Anwar A. Shah qualified from Khyber College of Dentistry (KCD), Peshawar and was declared the best graduate of his session and was awarded 2 gold medals by the KCD and the University of Peshawar. He went abroad to complete his PhD in Orthodontics from the University of Sheffield, England. He passed his FDSRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, MOrthRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and FFDRCSI from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
He passed his consultant qualification of FDS(Orth)RCS from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is on the specialist list in Orthodontics of The General Dental Council, UK and is a n accredited consultant in the UK.

Dr. Anwar Shah has been clinical Lecturer in Orthodontics at the University of Sheffield where he was teaching to both BDS undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, he was a supervisor for MSc and PhD students. He has over 30 publications in international journals. He is an examiner to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for MFDS and MOrthRCS.

Dr. Anwar Shah has attended various courses in Lingual Orthodontics and has done one-year diploma in Lingual Orthodontics with Dr. Didier Fillion in Paris. He is very passionate about this relatively new technique.

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